35121 - Street Directory
List of streets in 35121 beginning with 0-9
- 1st Avenue Eastunclassified1st Avenue Westresidential1st Street Northresidential1st Street Southresidential
20th Streetresidential2nd Avenue Eastresidential2nd Avenue Westresidential2nd Street Northresidential2nd Street Southresidential3
3rd Avenueresidential3rd Avenue Eastresidential3rd Avenue Westresidential3rd Street Northresidential3rd Street Southresidential4
4th Avenue Westresidential4th Street Northresidential4th Street Southresidential5
5th Avenue Eastresidential5th Avenue Westresidential5th Street Northunclassified6
6th Avenue Eastresidential6th Street Northresidential6th Street Southprimary7
7th Avenue Eastresidential7th Street Northresidential8
8th Avenue Eastresidential